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Dear guest,

Thank you for visiting my website, where you can find all information about my activity as a yoga teacher.

My name is Thanos and I was born in 1983 in Athens, Greece. I spent my childhood, adolescence and the first years of my adulthood in my home country. I studied civil engineering in Greece and decided to leave for Germany for continuing my studies in the same field in 2007. After finally completing my studies and an unsuccessful attempt to settle back, my steps brought me back to Germany in 2011, where I am living and working up to now.

Physically weak and inflexible through a routine office work and way of life, I decided to make my first hesitant steps towards physical activities in 2018. Through growing commitment and discipline, I managed to get different certifications as fitness trainer.

Spiritually ignorant and mentally inflexible, I was invited by a group of friends to a yoga class in 2018, initially hesitating to accept the invitation having a distorted impression about what yoga is, that proved wrong. My encounter with yoga progressively changed my life once and forever. Since then yoga became an inseparable part of my life, easing my mental and physical pain, providing me with answers to existential questions, being a trustful companion in my life’s journey.

I am more than grateful for my yoga teachers, Garrett Bodman and Manu Akash, who encouraged and inspired me to remain faithful to the path of yoga, make peace with my fears, follow my intuition and try to contribute in my own way to spreading the true meaning of yoga.

I may be a certified RYT 500H Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga Teacher (RYT 300H in Germany and RYT 500H in India with Turiya Yoga Teacher Academy) but certificates cannot substitute any direct yoga experience.

Consider me as an example of the direct impact that yoga can have on human nature and let me guide you on the same path of consciousness awakening, mental and physical strengthening, gratitude and acceptance.


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